Fellow RRDC Members:
It’s time to nominate the class of 2023-2024 for RRDC membership. This year all nominations are being accepted online via a Google Form. Please read the message below and scroll to the bottom to open the form and vote.
Guidelines for Submitting RRDC Nominations
1. RRDC Dues for Nominator and Seconder must be current.
2. Please make sure you place the name(s) of your nominee(s) in the proper member category.
Regular Members – Racing drivers who have participated successfully in major professional events, i.e. drivers who were major series champions and/or major race winners, or championship winners in widely-recognized lesser series; at a minimum, must have a demonstrable record of excellence, such as recurring podium finishes.
Associate Members – Racing drivers who have participated successfully in major professional events, but not at the championship level, or who have participated successfully mainly in lesser and/or historic events, or those who have significant ties to racing, such as corporate, sponsorship, mentoring, patronage and promotion of the sport generally.
Honorary Members – Distinguished senior international motorsports champions, team owners and those others who have demonstrated a passionate, life-long commitment in support of racing through active volunteerism, officiating and/or promotion of the sport generally. Honorary Members shall have full Club privileges, including the right to vote, but shall not be required to pay Club dues or assessments.
Note – The RRDC membership committee may place the nominee in a different category if it deems appropriate.
3. Please assure that all info on your nominee, including email addresses, mailing addresses, phone numbers, etc. are current and accurate.
4. Please keep the nominee’s racing history brief and effective. (600 characters or less)
Great new members will keep the club contemporary and strong. Do your duty, please, and honor those exceptional individuals who live up to RRDC standards by nominating them for club membership.
Best regards,
Bobby Rahal