The Date: Wednesday January 23, 2013
The Place: The 500 Club at the Daytona International Speedway
The Time: Cocktails at 5:00 PM. Dinner at 7:00 PM

Peter Brock has designed some significant performance cars and he’ll tell us all about it at Daytona.
Over the years, our dinner has grown from a small get-together to a major event – attracting a who’s who of road racing from yesterday and today. And providing a great chance for us all to re-kindle great old friendships.
This year we’ll be presenting the Mark Donohue Award, The Bob Akin Award and honoring Peter Brock as the recipient of the Phil Hill Award.
Peter will be on hand and will be “interrogated” by our President Bobby Rahal as to how he designed all of those great cars – the Cobra Daytona Coupe, the BRE machines and exotic prototypes for the world’s biggest manufacturers.
It promises to be an evening you won’t forget.
The event is only open to RRDC members and guests. Judy Stropus has just sent a reminder with sign-up instructions to all members. Find it. Sign up. And while you’re at it, pay your 2013 dues.