Harry Ingle, an open-wheel champion and racecar manufacturer in the early 1970s, passed away in late January in an advanced healthcare center in his hometown of Charlotte, NC. Ingle, 80, had suffered from dementia for several years.

Harry Ingle at VIR in 1967 early in his career. [Roger Blanchard image]
Ingle started racing SCCA production cars in the late 1960s but soon moved to Formula Vee, winning the SCCA Formula Vee National championship in 1970. The following year Ingle tackled Formula Super V with great success, having purchased the Zink Super V company. He was FSV National champion and President’s Cup recipient in ’73; took FSV runoffs poles ’71 & ’74; was runner-up in the Pro Super V series championship to Bill Scott in ’72, Bertil Roos in ’73 and EFR in ’74. Scored five Pro Super V poles and seven podiums in ’74. Ingle retired from fulltime racing following the ’74 season.