Charles A. Barns

Dallas TX
Member, Memoriam
Charlie Barns passed away in Dec. 2017 in Dallas, Tex. He was 85. Began racing in 1959 with Alfa Romeo. Charlie distinguished himself in the early 1960s in small modifieds. He won the 1964 G-Modified SCCA National Championship in a Merlyn Mk6 at the Riverside ARRC. The following year, he ran both GM and FM in a newer Merlyn Mk6A by switching engines between the standard Ford Kent and the perkier Cosworth. 1965 was the year he became a member of the RRDC. Scored 29 race wins between 1966-68 in factory Ford Cortina. Raced SCCA Speed World Challenge GT in 2000-2001 with Corvette Z06 and Dodge Viper. Active in vintage racing and competed until he turned 80 in 2012. An entrepreneur and true gentleman, Barns was noted for his kindness and wit.
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