Terry R. Trammell, M.D.

Began motorsports orthopedic medical career at Indy in ’70s. Particular focus on motorsports safety, with emphasis on injury prevention, management of acute injury, and rehabilitation. Was principal orthopedic physician to Indy drivers from ’81-’96, and Director of Medical Services for CART ’87-’96, continuing as Senior Consultant for orthopedic and spinal trauma until ’04. Founding member of International Council of Motorsports Sciences, fellow of the FIA Institute for Motorsport Safety, the recipient of the 2021 Indianapolis Motor Speedway’s Louis Schwitzer Award and member of the Motorsports Hall of Fame of America’s Class of 2023.

The 55th annual Louis Schwitzer Award was presented to Terry Trammell, M.D., for his work on biomedical engineering for INDYCAR driver safety. [IMS image]