Thomas F. Nehl

That Tom had only two professional road racing wins, 1970 at Daytona and 1972 at Talladega in the IMSA Camel GT serries, is not indicative of what he contributed to sports car racing … in 1972 he purchased Georgia’s inactive Savannah International Raceway and turned it over to the local SCCA region to operate for a $1 @ year fee … In 1978 he matched whatever funds the Region was able to raise, and loaned the balance needed to re-pave the facility, then sold the track in 1991 to the Buccaneer Region … the track is now re-named Roebling Road in honor of Robert Roebling, a landmark of Savannah society, who initially built the track in 1958 … Tom was born in Oregon and raced sprint cars from 1947 to 1987 … relocating to Jacksonville, he was also a part owner of an Indy Car team between 1963-82 and was a member of the Indy 500 Oldtimers Club … He claimed more than 50 wins in SCCA Nationals … in 1980 he received the SCCA Area III’s John C. Reuter Award.
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